@masz_fajne_donice: a ile to zbyt krótki?
@wewerwe-sdfsdfsdf: Trochę zbyt krótki trochę się przyczynia długo zbyt krótki dużo.
od razu odrzuca tych którzy nie znając linuxa
We use an application that measures the time your spend at work and takes regular screenshots. The first step in preparing your work environment is to install it.
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Bo jak przekroczycie pewien próg to szczęśliwsi od pieniędzy i tak nie będziecie.
Badania tego nie potwierdziły.
But in the bigger view of their lives, people's evaluations were much more tied to their income. The more they made, the more they felt their life was going well. The survey asked respondents to place themselves on a life-satisfaction ladder, with the first rung meaning their lives were not going well and the 10th rung meaning it was as good as it could be. The
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