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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

chivalry - rycerskość, szarmanckość [the religious and moral system of behavior that the perfect knight was expected to follow; polite and kind behavior that shows a sense of honor, especially by men toward women]
Loyalty, chivalry and the other qualities that go with being in the military do not belong to any particular individual or party.
solvent - rozpuszczalnik
The silver iodide is separated and the solvent distilled off.
layman - laik [someone who is not trained in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject]
The book is supposed to be the layman’s guide to home repair.
to lurch - zachwiać się [to move in a way that is not regular or normal, especially making sudden movements backwards or forwards or from side to side]
The train lurched forward and some of the people standing fell over.
drizzle - mżawka
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle.
abashed - speszony, zawstydzony [embarrassed]
He said nothing but looked abashed.
rapacity - drapieżność, zachłanność [formal; the quality of having or showing a strong wish to take things for yourself, usually using unfair methods or force]
Our rapacity is destroying species at a rate not seen in 65 million years.
to attenuate - osłabiać, rozcieńczać [formal; to make something less or weaker]
Radiation from the sun is attenuated by the earth's atmosphere.
to denote - oznaczać, wskazywać [to represent or mean something]
His angry tone denoted extreme displeasure.
fugitive - uciekinier, zbieg [a person who is running away or hiding from the police or a dangerous situation]
Thousands of fugitives are fleeing from the war-torn area.
dissolute - rozwiązły [literary; enjoying immoral activities and not caring about behaving in a morally acceptable way]
He led a dissolute life, drinking, and womanizing till his death.
to bedazzle - olśnić [to impress someone very much, because of being very intelligent, beautiful, etc.]
She had bedazzled him with her knowledge and beauty.
to revere - czcić [formal; to very much respect and admire someone or something]
Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid.
fuse - bezpiecznik (lub: zapalnik)
Check whether a fuse has blown.
soot - sadza [a black powder composed mainly of carbon, produced when coal, wood, etc. is burned]
It can be dangerous to let too much soot accumulate inside a chimney.
bonus - idiom
in the balance
If something is in the balance, the situation is uncertain and it is not clear what is going to happen.
The future of the company is in the balance while the takeover bid is being examined.

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