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We got a question about the central nervous system, my favorite question of all time. Actually, it’s not a question, it’s just a guy talkin' shit. And, I know I probably should never respond to these, but I can't help myself. The old wrestler inside of me wants to respond to a lot of these things. Anyway, this guy, in a not-so-very-nice way, says how I'm an idiot. Which, he is correct. We all know that, don't we? So that's not news, but he says I’m an idiot because I’m ignoring pain, ignoring elbow pain, and ignoring fatigue, and ignoring the central nervous system, and I’m not listening to my body, and I’m gonna end up in a wheelchair with a nurse pushing me around. Well, guess what, my friend. We are all heading there. We will all die. We will all be in a lot of pain. It’s all comin’ our way. It’s inevitable. It’s part of life, but in the meantime, you might as well be a fuckin’ savage, and live your life the way you want to live, And you might as well put your best effort, and your best foot forward, and train like a motherfucker.

I fell with 1,080 lbs. on my back, and I got up and walked away on my own. One of my training partners tried to carry me off. He said "Here, rest on my shoulder." and I said "Get the fuck away from me!" and the reason is, is because I walk and stand on my own two feet. I am a man. That’s what I do. So for you, you know, you're trying to take the easy route, and you're trying to find excuses why you shouldn't be training, and you're trying to find science and research and stupid shit like that about the central nervous system so you can miss a workout or two. You're takin’ the easy way out. What did Jerry Rice used to do? Jerry Rice used to run hills and catch bricks. Jerry Rice used to do warm ups that would make other athletes puke. That was stupid right? Because there was no science behind it. And Jerry Rice only lasted 20+ years in the NFL. So when I say "Fuck you, and fuck your elbow." I MEAN IT. FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR ELBOW.

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Kasahara - We got a question about the central nervous system, my favorite question o...
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