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XD #heheszki jak u Barei.
#ciekawostki #arabiasaudyjska #burjkhalifa #gruparatowaniapoziomu

Burj Khalifa has 163 floors that qualify as habitable floors. It has been designed so that it is capable of catering to 35,000 persons at any given time. Considering that all these persons are well fed, the human waste (solid waste) they produce amounts up to 7,000,000 grams per day. Considering the fact that water is used to drive the solid waste through miles of piping system, we have a total of 15 tonnes of sewage per day.

This means that sometimes the truck has to remain in queue for more than 24 hours before it gets a chance to dump the waste. It is quite shocking to see such an underdeveloped approach to sewage system in a city as modern as Dubai. Also considering the amount of money they have available along with some of the brightest minds, one would have never thought there would be no developed sewage system
Kosciany - XD #heheszki jak u Barei. 
#ciekawostki #arabiasaudyjska #...

źródło: comment_1628590722kx3PanWMUog7HwDce73nI8.jpg

  • 69
15 tonnes of sewage per day.

@Kosciany: Szokujące. To jedna duża szambiarka, albo dwie małe.
Skoro tam może być 35000 ludzi na raz, to wychodzi niecałe pół kilograma na głowę. Więc jedno siku na dobę XD
O wodzie z pryszniców, wanien i umywalek nie ma słowa, ale ta może być wykorzystywana w inny sposób.

Tak czy inaczej- obliczenia z dupy.