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Ktoś się zna na gramatyce i będzie w stanie pomóc ?

1. Verbs that can be both full (main ) verbs and auxiliary verbs are called ………………………………..
2. ………………………………. is a grammatical label that covers progressive and perfective.
3. If a word ends in a single ………………….. plus a consonant and the ……………………….is at the end of the word you must …………………… the final consonant.
4. English has only ………………………………… tenses
5. State verbs usually do not occur in ……………………………….. aspect.
6. Predicates consist of …………………………. and possibly other elements.
7.Progressive indicates that an action

#angielski #angielskizwykopem #jezykiobce #jezyki #jezykangielski #gramatyka #english #szkola #cwiczenia #cwiczeniabezsilowni
  • 4
@Deffyx: 1.?
3.vowel, stress, voice - chodzi najpewniej o słowa typu belief - believe (gdzie -eve jest dźwięczne)
4.two morphological tenses - present (non-past) and past
6.a verb

Z ciekawości, to na angielski w szkole? Jakiś kurs/lektorat czy syntax na studiach?