@TacoNaRybie: wszyscy się jarają jakie to pis albo po, górnictwo itp to guano a największym dramatem jest polski wymiar "sprawiedliwości". tam najprostsza sprawa trwa latami :).
  • Odpowiedz
WEBSITE: https://www.l2temida.pl
FORUM: https://www.l2temida.pl/forum
DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/gjpaVvj
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/L2Temida

I would like to invite everyone to play together on the L2Temida server. The server uses English, so we are open to players from all over the world.
We have many years of experience related to the game Lineage 2 Interlude, which we dedicate to the server, where you will spend your free time pleasently. We listen to each individual, we consider each proposal,
WEBSITE: https://www.l2temida.pl
FORUM: https://www.l2temida.pl/forum
DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/gjpaVvj
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/L2Temida

I would like to invite everyone to play together on the L2Temida server. The server uses English, so we are open to players from all over the world.
We have many years of experience related to the game Lineage 2 Interlude, which we dedicate to the server, where you will spend your free time pleasently. We listen to each individual, we consider each proposal,