Well today was a day that just confirmed my lack of faith in our justice system, our political correctness has gone mad, our soft touch legal system is all for the criminal, not for the victims!

I got the news that no parent wants to hear, that my son was in hospital, as he'd been stabbed by a 17yo Iraqi immigrant, and a group of at least 5 others that had gate
źródło: comment_ckMOzjmYkNDnKen3zmj7eMxBsCHl0hQC.jpg
@BrianEno: to nie chodzi o to że dostali się do kadry, tylko że jest ich sporo w danym kraju na podstawie zdjęcia kadry

To jak grają w piłkę nie jest sensem tego tematu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)