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Well today was a day that just confirmed my lack of faith in our justice system, our political correctness has gone mad, our soft touch legal system is all for the criminal, not for the victims!

I got the news that no parent wants to hear, that my son was in hospital, as he'd been stabbed by a 17yo Iraqi immigrant, and a group of at least 5 others that had gate crashed a party that my son and his mates had been at, minding their business and just having fun!

These filthy scum went there with knives purely to cause havoc! With their gang mentality and hatred for our Aussie culture. One stabbed 2 people and the others including him bashed others, he's been charged, but already been released out on bail!!! pathetic!!!

That's the thanks we get for letting them in our country! Something has to be done, we are not safe anymore even in our own homes! What are you going to do about this


#australia #diversitymachfrei #swiat #blackcrimesmatter #islam #uchodzcy #imigranci
3.....s - Well today was a day that just confirmed my lack of faith in our justice sy...

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