Wpis z mikrobloga

be fast walker

spot someone walking up ahead

try to gauge their walkie speed

have walkie speeds mapped out as 1, 2, or 3

1 is slow, easy to overtake without increasing speed. overtake

2 is medium, possible to overtake by increasing speed. speed up and overtake

3 is same speed. this is where is gets hard. you can either speed up very fast and t, and overtake, or slow down completely but this isn't desirable as they will be ahead of you the entire walk. not speeding up isn't possible as you will be seen as a stalker

it's a 3 and I decide to speed up, almost jogging

about to overtake and to your horror you discover they were actually a 4 and now you stuck in an awful limbo of walking alongside them and what's worse is you sped up to get next to them

cross road instead

#pasta #heheszki #takbylo #coolstory
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