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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

wimp - mięczak [informal; a person who is not strong, brave, or confident]
I'm afraid I'm a wimp when it comes to climbing up ladders.
to yearn - tęsknić za czymś, pragnąć [to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have]
Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.
bookie - bukmacher
On factory floors there are illegal bookies who thrive.
culpable - winny [deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad]
He was held culpable for all that had happened.
wretched - nieszczęsny, biedny [unpleasant or of low quality; very ill or very unhappy]
The people live in wretched conditions, with no running water.
smitten - oczarowany [having suddenly started to like or love something or someone very much]
He was so smitten by her that he promised to move to Argentina to be near her.
glacier - lodowiec
These glaciers are described in a single chapter.
to brush off - spławiać kogoś [informal]
So she gave you the brush off, did she?
latent - utajony [present but needing particular conditions to become active, obvious, or completely developed]
We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realizing it.
fireside - okolice kominka [the part of a room that surrounds a fireplace]
She sat reading by the fireside.
to harry - dręczyć, łupić [formal; to repeatedly demand something from someone, often causing them to feel worried or angry]
She harried the authorities, writing letters and gathering petitions.
extraterrestrial - pozaziemskie [in or coming from a place outside the planet Earth]
In those rocks may lie the best chance of finding extraterrestrial life.
exemption - zwolnienie (np. podatkowe lub z jakiegoś ograniczenia)
She was given an exemption from the final examination.
flurry - poruszenie [a sudden, short period of activity, interest, or excitement]
Her arrival caused a flurry of excitement.
to hoot - trąbić, hukać [to make a short loud high sound]
She hooted her horn at the dog in the road.
bonus - idiom
ballpark figure
If someone gives a ballpark figure, they give an approximate number or a rough estimate of the cost of something.
I don't know exactly how much it will cost, but a ballpark figure would be around $10 000.

Talia fiszek anki plik



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ballpark figure

@GlenPL: a sam idiom pochodzi z terminologii baseballowej więc uwaga bo jest amerykanizmem

Park piłkowy ballpark to oczywiście stadion do baseballa, miejsce które każdy Amerykanin pamięta z rodzinnych pikników z lat dziecięcych. A ballpark estimate (ponoć) wzięło się stąd że komentatorzy baseballowi zawsze oceniali ilość ludzi na stadionie na oko bo w sumie nie było potrzeby robić tego dokładnie.