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tl;dr ojcowie są lepszymi samotnymi rodzicami niż matki

"Previous researchers have suggested that after divorce, children do better in the custody of the same-gender parent. This hypothesis was explored in a study of 187 school-age children (72 in father custody and 115 in mother custody). Two other hypothesis were also tested: children do better (1) if they have more contact with the nonresident parent, and (2) if the circumstances in the resident parent's household are more favorable. The major finding of the study was that across a variety of assessments of psychological well-being (self-esteem, anxiety, depression, problem behaviors), children (especially boys) did significantly better in the custody of their fathers. Moreover, children in father custody had the advantage of maintaining a more positive relationship with the nonresident parent, the mother. These differences in children's well-being were not eliminated by statistically controlling for the custodial parent's psychological state and adequate income or the child's contact with the nonresident parent—other variables that also predicted children's well-being. No same-gender advantage was found for girls in mother custody. For these children, well-being was predicted by close “parentlike” contact with the nonresident father—#!$%@? in a variety of activities and spending holidays together."


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@ramzes8811 #!$%@? badania. Większość ojców nie chce miec opieki nad dziećmi, reszta ma opiekę po połowie, która pewnie nie była w tych badaniach, skoro jest nonresident i resident. A kiedy ojeciec ma pełną opiekę, to zazwyczaj matka była pijaczką, alkoholiczką, chora psychicznie, więc wtedy na pewno lepiej u ojca.