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SpaceX złożył papiery na 30 tysięcy nowych satelitów

On October 7th, the FCC made 20 new, independent filings on behalf of SpaceX. They comprise 30,000 new satellites as broken down below:

1500 sats at 97.7°, 580 km

1500 sats at 85°, 539.7 km

1500 sats at 80°, 532 km

1500 sats at 75°, 524.7 km

1500 sats at 70°, 517.8 km

4500 sats at 53°, 498.8 km

4500 sats at 40°, 488.4 km

4500 sats at 30°, 482.8 km

3000 sats at 53°, 345.6 km

3000 sats at 40°, 334.4 km

3000 sats at 30°, 328.3 km

Source: https://www.itu.int/ITU-R/space/asreceived/Publication/AsReceived

The filings starting with "USASAT-NGSO-3" all come with a letter from the FCC stating "The operating agency for the network is Space Exploration Technologies Corp."



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FCC - Federal Communications Commission
Starlink - SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation

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