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Lewis Hine, Nocna zmiana w fabryce szkła w Indianie, USA 1908. 18 centów za godzinę dla młodego mężczyzny (dzieci), dla dziewczynek 11 centów. Etat 50 -55 godzin tygodniowo.

"Part of a night shift in an Indiana glass factory, August 1908. Lewis W. Hines (1874-1940). This photograph was taken as part of an assignment for the National Child Labor Committee and the original belongs to the National Child Labor Committee Collection of the Library of Congress.

In one glass factory, the average 1912 hourly wage for a male worker was 18 cents, and that of a female worker was 11 cents. They did not perform the same work. The lowest rate for a male was 15 cents and the highest rate for a female was still 11 cents. A 1917 statistic for the same factory shows that the average yearly wage for the lowest pay-rated male was $526, well above the U.S. poverty level at the time."

Lista dzieci z 1880 roku w pracy:
10 years old: 2
11 years old: 4
12 years old: 10
13 years old: 16
14 years old: 53
15 years old: 83
16 years old: 256
17 years old: 199
18 years old: 52


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myrmekochoria - Lewis Hine, Nocna zmiana w fabryce szkła w Indianie, USA 1908. 18 cen...

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