Ezra Stoller, Budynki XYZ na 1211–1251 Avenue of the Americas, USA 1974.
The three completed X, Y and Z Building. The Celanese Buildings is the first of the group of three buildings at the right of the J.P. Stevens Building. View from 50th Street. July 1974. Photo: Ezra Stoller.
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The three completed X, Y and Z Building. The Celanese Buildings is the first of the group of three buildings at the right of the J.P. Stevens Building. View from 50th Street. July 1974. Photo: Ezra Stoller.
#starszezwoje - blog ze starymi grafikami, miedziorytami, rysunkami z muzeów oraz fotografiami
#historia #ciekawostki #ciekawostkihistoryczne
#neverhood #gry #staregry #nostalgia