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unilateral - jednostronny [done by one member of a group or an organization without the agreement of the other members]
Opponents of the government have criticized the president's unilateral approach and believe broader international alliances are required.
to preclude - wykluczać, uniemożliwiać [formal; to prevent something or make it impossible, or prevent someone from doing something]
His contract
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supercilious - wyniosły, lekceważący [disapproving; behaving as if you are better than other people, and that their opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important]
He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.
convalescence - rekonwalescencja [the period of time when you rest and get better after a serious illness]
You need four to six weeks' convalescence.
infraction -
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@pkrr: to nic nowego, w FAQ ta informacja jest od kilku miesięcy. Po pierwsze nie będę miał już zapisanego contentu na następną dużą paczkę (mam zapisane łącznie coś koło 3600 słów, a trzy pierwsze duże paczki się zajmują do około 3000), po drugie męczy mnie już przygotowywanie tego regularnie. Za kilka miesięcy pewnie wznowię.
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to addle - ogłupić [humorous; to make someone feel confused and unable to think clearly]
I think my brain's been addled by the heat!
ire - gniew [formal; anger]
The team drew the ire of local politicians when it moved to a new stadium outside the city.
to displease - wywoływać niezadowolenie [formal; to cause
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to addl...

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to occlude - zatykać, zablokować [specialized; to block something]
Veins can get occluded by blood clots.
obtrusive - rzucający się w oczy, uciążliwy [noticeable in an unpleasant way]
The logo was still visible but less obtrusive this time in beige.
lilac - bez [a bush or small tree with sweet-smelling purple or white flowers]
The lilacs are in
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to occl...

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transfixed - sparaliżowany, skamieniały [literary; unable to move or stop looking at something because you are so interested, surprised, or frightened]
Rabbits transfixed in the glare of car headlights are common victims on the roads. We all sat in silence, transfixed by what we saw on the screen.
inexorable - nieubłagany, nieuchronny [formal; continuing without any possibility
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to gambol - hasać, brykać [literary; to run and jump in a happy way]
Lambs were gambolling about in the spring sunshine.
furrow - bruzda [a long, narrow cut in the ground, especially one made by a plow for planting seeds in; a deep line in the skin of the face]
Years of anxiety have lined her brow
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to gamb...

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to promulgate - rozpropagować, obwieszczać [formal; to spread an idea, a belief, etc. among many people]
He was no physiologist, and did not promulgate any views as to the embryogenic process.
to gainsay - zakwestionować, zaprzeczyć [(often used in negative sentences) to say that something is not true; to disagree with or deny something]
Certainly there's no gainsaying
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to prom...

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unsound - błędny, wątpliwy, słaby [based on ideas, facts, and reasons that are wrong; not acceptable; not holding acceptable views]
The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.
cask - beczułka [a small wooden barrel used for storing liquids, especially alcoholic drinks]
The finished product is packed into wooden casks lined with brown paper.
bravado - brawura [a
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largesse - szczodrość, hojność [formal; willingness to give money, or money given to poor people by rich people]
The medical foundation will be the main beneficiary of the millionaire's largesse.
attainable - osiągalny [formal; possible to achieve]
We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.
hotly - stanowczo, zawzięcie
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to bemoan - opłakiwać [formal; to complain or say that you are not happy about something]
Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.
inebriation - upojenie alkoholowe [formal; the state of being drunk]
Lots of caffeine may disguise a drinker's inebriation from friends who might otherwise intervene.
to astonish - zdumiewać, zadziwiać
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to bemo...

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clear-sighted - bystry, przenikliwy [having a good understanding of a particular subject and the ability to make good judgments about it]
Simon has a clear-sighted vision of the company's future.
multitudinous - liczny [literary; consisting of many things or parts]
The performers displayed their multitudinous talents.
vehemently - gwałtownie [in a strong and emotional way]
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acquiescence - przyzwolenie, zgoda [formal; the act of accepting or agreeing to something, often unwillingly]
His acquiescence in the nuclear deal may have been a tactical concession.
appropriation - przywłaszczenie [the act of taking something for your own use, usually without permission]
The author objected to the appropriation of his story by an amateur filmmaker.
hallmark -
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to congeal - krzepnąć, zastygać [to change from a liquid or soft state to a thick or solid state]
The blood had congealed in thick black clots.
to stupefy - ogłupiać, otępiać [to make someone unable to think clearly, usually because they are extremely tired or have taken drugs]
He was stupefied by the amount they had spent.
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to cong...

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Talia fiszek anki ze słówkami z poprzedniego tygodnia (7 * 10 = 70) plik

Dla każdego słowa generowane są 3 fiszki: PL->EN, EN->PL, uzupełnianie luki w zdaniu (w każdym typie fiszek wyświetlają się też odpowiednie dodatkowe informacje jak zapis fonetyczny, wyjaśnienie słownikowe, jaka to część mowy (verb, noun itp.) itp.). Każdy typ fiszki wymaga wpisania polskiego/agielskiego słowa, aby angażować więcej zmysłów i poprawiać zapamiętywanie.
W PL->EN i EN->PL odtwarza się plik dźwiękowy
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tapestry - gobelin, arras [a picture or pattern that is made by weaving colored wool onto heavy cloth; the art of doing this]
There were rich vases as tall as a man and tapestries hung from the rough stone.
subordinate - podrzędny, podporządkowany [having a lower or less important position]
The individual's needs are subordinate to those of the group.
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to subsume - obejmować, wchłaniać [formal; to include something or someone as part of a larger group]
Soldiers from many different countries have been subsumed into the United Nations peace-keeping force.
trepidation - trwoga [formal; fear or worry about what is going to happen]
We view future developments with some trepidation.
facetious - głupio dowcipny
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to subs...

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to pinion - przygwoździć, przycisnąć [to hold someone, especially by the arms, to prevent them from moving]
He was pinioned to the wall by two men while another one repeatedly punched him.
perfunctory - pobieżny, powierzchowny [formal; (of an action) done as a duty or habit, without real interest, attention, or feeling]
The guard glanced perfunctorily at her
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to pini...

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to sough - szumieć [literary; (especially of the wind or sea) to make a long high or low sound while moving]
The wind soughed through the towering pines nearby.
mimicry - naśladownictwo, imitacja [the action or skill of being able to copy the voice, movements, etc. of others]
Parrots specialize in vocal mimicry.
to solder - lutować
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to soug...

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loquacious - gadatliwy [formal; having the habit of talking a lot]
He sipped it with relish and soon became somewhat loquacious.
lifer - skazany na dożywocie [informal; someone who has been punished by being put in prison for a very long time or until they die]
In the 1980s, 726 lifers were paroled.
repentance -
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Talia fiszek anki ze słówkami z poprzedniego tygodnia (7 * 10 = 70) plik

Dla każdego słowa generowane są 3 fiszki: PL->EN, EN->PL, uzupełnianie luki w zdaniu (w każdym typie fiszek wyświetlają się też odpowiednie dodatkowe informacje jak zapis fonetyczny, wyjaśnienie słownikowe, jaka to część mowy (verb, noun itp.) itp.). Każdy typ fiszki wymaga wpisania polskiego/agielskiego słowa, aby angażować więcej zmysłów i poprawiać zapamiętywanie.
W PL->EN i EN->PL odtwarza się plik dźwiękowy