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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to bemoan - opłakiwać [formal; to complain or say that you are not happy about something]
Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.
inebriation - upojenie alkoholowe [formal; the state of being drunk]
Lots of caffeine may disguise a drinker's inebriation from friends who might otherwise intervene.
to astonish - zdumiewać, zadziwiać [to surprise someone very much]
I was astonished by how much she'd grown.
fervor - żarliwość, ferwor [formal; very strong feelings about something; strong and sincere beliefs]
The country was swept by patriotic fervor.
maroon - kasztanowy [dark brown-red in color]
He prefers to be seen in uniform, proudly sporting the maroon beret of his old regiment.
to excel - osiągać doskonałe wyniki, wyróżniać się [to do something very well or be highly skilled, and be better than most others]
They all performed well, but the lead dancer really excelled.
clot - skrzep [a lump that forms when a liquid, especially blood, becomes almost solid]
He had a blood clot removed from his brain.
rite - obrządek, rytuał [a ceremony performed by a particular group of people, often for religious purposes]
You have to go through an initiation rite before you become a full member.
infirmary - szpital (lub gabinet lekarski) [(old use) a hospital; a special room in a school, prison, etc. for people who are sick]
The infirmary for sick monks, with the physician's house and physic garden, lies to the east.
sounding - sondaż [careful questions that are asked in order to find out people's opinions about something]
They will take soundings among party members.
bonus - idiom
come to a bad end
If someone comes to a bad end, their actions lead to disastrous consequences which are sometimes deserved or predictable.
If that boy doesn't change his ways, he'll come to a bad end.


Zapraszam do wytykania błędów, literówek, złych tłumaczeń, usterek, głupiego awatara itp.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to bemo...

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