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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

unsound - błędny, wątpliwy, słaby [based on ideas, facts, and reasons that are wrong; not acceptable; not holding acceptable views]
The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.
cask - beczułka [a small wooden barrel used for storing liquids, especially alcoholic drinks]
The finished product is packed into wooden casks lined with brown paper.
bravado - brawura [a show of courage, especially when unnecessary and dangerous, to make people admire you]
It was an act of bravado that made him ask his boss to resign.
avid - zagorzały, gorliwy [very enthusiastic about something (often a hobby); wanting to get something very much]
Knowles is an avid runner and cross-country skier.
to hone - doskonalić, szlifować [to develop and improve something, especially a skill, over a period of time]
She honed her debating skills at college.
stupendous - zdumiewający, ogromny [very surprising, usually in a pleasing way, especially by being large in amount or size]
He ran up stupendous debts through his extravagant lifestyle.
to impound - konfiskować, zająć własność [(of the police, courts of law, etc.) to take something away from someone, so that they cannot use it]
The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.
crook - oszust, kanciarz [informal; a very dishonest person, especially a criminal or a cheat]
These politicians are just a bunch of crooks.
perimeter - obwód, obrzeża [the outer edge of an area of land or the border around it; the length of the outer edge of a shape]
Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.
wagon - wóz [a vehicle with four wheels, pulled by horses or oxen and used for carrying heavy loads]
The first white settlers journeyed across America in covered wagons.
bonus - idiom
come to the crunch
To talk about what to do if or when a situation comes to the crunch means when it becomes critical and a decision has to be made.
I'm running out of money. If it comes to the crunch, I'll sell my car.


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