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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

clear-sighted - bystry, przenikliwy [having a good understanding of a particular subject and the ability to make good judgments about it]
Simon has a clear-sighted vision of the company's future.
multitudinous - liczny [literary; consisting of many things or parts]
The performers displayed their multitudinous talents.
vehemently - gwałtownie [in a strong and emotional way]
The president has vehemently denied having an extra-marital affair.
inoculation - szczepienie [the action of giving someone a weak form of a disease as protection against it, or something such as an injection that is given in this way]
He received a cholera inoculation.
subterfuge - podstęp, fortel [formal; a trick or a dishonest way of achieving something]
It was clear that they must have obtained the information by subterfuge.
to yawn - ziewać [to open the mouth wide and take a lot of air into the lungs and slowly send it out, usually when tired or bored]
I can't stop yawning - I must be tired.
vineyard - winnica [a piece of land on which vines are grown]
They are also fond of grapes and other fruits, and are thus the pests of the vineyard as well as the poultryyard.
to clatter - stukać, klekotać [to make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects against each other, or to cause objects to do this]
Don’t clatter the pots and pans – you’ll wake the baby up.
vain - próżny [that does not produce the result you want; (disapproving) too proud of your own appearance, abilities, or achievements]
He was very vain about his hair and his clothes.
bout - atak, napad [a short period of illness or involvement in an activity]
He suffered from periodic bouts of insanity.
bonus - idiom
come in handy
To say that something may come in handy means that it may be useful some time or other.
Don't throw away those old shelves; they may come in handy one day.


Zapraszam do wytykania błędów, literówek, złych tłumaczeń, usterek, głupiego awatara itp.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik


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