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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to occlude - zatykać, zablokować [specialized; to block something]
Veins can get occluded by blood clots.
obtrusive - rzucający się w oczy, uciążliwy [noticeable in an unpleasant way]
The logo was still visible but less obtrusive this time in beige.
lilac - bez [a bush or small tree with sweet-smelling purple or white flowers]
The lilacs are in bloom.
cabal - koteria, klika [disapproving; a small group of people who plan secretly to take action, especially political action]
He was assassinated by a cabal of aides within his own regime.
hornet - szerszeń [a large flying insect that can give a severe sting]
It made Janet as mad as a hornet, but Martha's back in the classroom.
to unravel - rozwiązać, rozwikłać [to explain something that is difficult to understand or is mysterious; to become clearer or easier to understand]
The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age.
humility - pokora [the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people; the quality of being humble]
He doesn't have the humility to admit when he's wrong.
hedge - żywopłot [a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually along the edge of a field, yard, or road]
She kicked the ball so powerfully that it flew over the hedge.
bid - próba [an attempt to achieve something]
The council has banned cars from the city centre in a bid to reduce pollution.
choice - wyborowy [(especially of food) of very good quality]
I had the the most expensive dish on the menu - a choice fillet of fish.
bonus - idiom
come to a head
If a problem or difficult situation comes to a head, it reaches a point where action has to be taken.
The conflict came to a head yesterday when rioting broke out in the streets.


Zapraszam do wytykania błędów, literówek, złych tłumaczeń, usterek, głupiego awatara itp.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

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