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to obviate - zażegnać, zlikwidować [formal; to remove a difficulty, especially so that action to deal with it becomes unnecessary]
A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.
corolla - korona kwiatu [all of the petals of a flower as a group]
The corolla has from five to nine petals, cohering at the
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to obvi...

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to fluster - wytrącić z równowagi [to make someone upset and confused, especially when they are trying to do something]
Don’t let that new tax form fluster you – it’s not as bad as it looks.
fitful - niespokojny, przerywany [often stopping and starting and not happening in a regular or continuous way]
Her sleep was fitful, and he walked
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to flus...

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to protrude - wystawać, sterczeć [to stick out from or through something]
A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.
tribulation - męka, udręka [literary or humorous; great trouble or suffering]
Paul had known tribulation, he had known distress, he had known persecution.
outlandish - dziwaczny, obcy [disapproving; strange and unusual and difficult
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to prot...

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to reverberate - rozbrzmiewać [(of a sound) to be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surfaces]
Her voice reverberated around the canyon walls.
brusque - szorstki, obcesowy [quick and rude in manner or speech; using very few words and sounding rude]
As the president’s chief of staff, he offended many with his brusque manner.
to oust
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to reve...

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to cloy - stracić urok, przesycać [to become annoying or too much, after seeming pleasant or enjoyable at first]
After a while, his prose style starts to cloy. She has a charm and freshness that never cloys.
lewd - sprośny [(esp. of behavior or speech) sexual in an obvious and socially unacceptable way]
Ignore him - he's being lewd.
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to cloy...

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wintry - zimowy, chłodny [typical of winter’s cold, windy, and snowy weather; literary; unfriendly and disapproving]
Wintry conditions are making roads hazardous for drivers. She gave a wintry smile.
cohesion - jedność, spójność [(of objects) the state of sticking together, or (of people) being in close agreement and working well together]
The team just seems to lack cohesion.
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wintry ...

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to bewilder - dezorientować, oszołamiać [to confuse someone]
The instructions completely bewildered me.
sophistry - sofistyka [formal; the use of intelligent arguments to persuade people that something is true when it is really false]
Convincing myself that I had gained in some way from my loss was just pure sophistry.
penultimate - przedostatni [formal; second
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to bewi...

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to adjoin - przylegać, sąsiadować [formal; to be very near, next to, or touching]
The stables adjoin the west wing of the house.
to refurbish - odnawiać, remontować [to make a building look new again by doing work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning]
The developers refurbished the house inside and out.
to trudge - brnąć, iść
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to adjo...

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antithetical - przeciwstawny, sprzeczny [formal; exactly the opposite of someone or something or of each other]
The idea that science is antithetical to the arts is wrong.
vestments - szaty liturgiczne [the special clothes worn by priests during church ceremonies]
His meals were always ready, his clothes clean and pressed, and his vestments for the Sunday service were
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to unfurl - rozwijać, rozpościerać [(of a flag, sail, etc.) to become open from a rolled position, or to cause something to become open from a rolled position]
The demonstrators unfurled a large banner.
to smother - udusić [to kill someone by covering their face so that they cannot breathe]
He smothered the baby with a pillow.
to predate
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to unfu...

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sulky - nadąsany [refusing to smile or be pleasant to people, usually because you are angry about something]
She brought along a couple of sulky kids who didn't say a word the whole time.
semblance - pozór, podobieństwo [a situation or condition that is similar to what is wanted or expected, but is not exactly as hoped for]
He was
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sulky -...

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nondescript - nijaki, nieokreślony [very ordinary, or having no interesting or exciting features or qualities]
Their offices are in a nondescript building on the edge of town.
literate - piśmienny [able to read and write; having knowledge of a particular subject, or a particular type of knowledge]
The man was barely literate and took a long time to write his
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pallid - blady [very pale, in a way that looks unhealthy and not attractive]
Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
lichen - porost [a grey, green, or yellow plant-like organism that grows on rocks, walls, and trees]
The water moved silently over moss and lichen covered slabs of rocks, forming small pools in the low spots.
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pallid ...

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to connote - kojarzyć się z, konotować [(of a word) to suggest a feeling, an idea, etc., as well as the main meaning]
To me, chocolate connotes pleasure and indulgence.
to deify - ubóstwiać [formal; to make someone or something into a god; to consider someone or something to be so important that they are almost like a god]
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to conn...

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to upbraid - ganić, łajać [formal; to forcefully or angrily tell someone they should not have done a particular thing and criticize them for having done it]
In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.
to trammel - spętać, skrępować [formal; to limit someone's freedom of movement or activity]
He felt
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to upbr...

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Talia fiszek anki ze słówkami z poprzedniego tygodnia (7 * 10 = 70) plik

Dla każdego słowa generowane są 3 fiszki: PL->EN, EN->PL, uzupełnianie luki w zdaniu (w każdym typie fiszek wyświetlają się też odpowiednie dodatkowe informacje jak zapis fonetyczny, wyjaśnienie słownikowe, jaka to część mowy (verb, noun itp.) itp.). Każdy typ fiszki wymaga wpisania polskiego/agielskiego słowa, aby angażować więcej zmysłów i poprawiać zapamiętywanie.
W PL->EN i EN->PL odtwarza się plik dźwiękowy
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to aggrieve - zasmucać [to make someone unhappy and angry]
Years later, this unfairness still aggrieves him.
thicket - gąszcz [an area of trees and bushes growing closely together]
He spent the morning trying to work his way through a thicket of statistics.
bedchamber - sypialnia [old use; a bedroom]
This film about Henry VIII is set, almost
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to aggr...

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to upend - przewrócić do góry nogami [to push or move something so that the part that usually touches the ground is not touching the ground any more]
She upended the chessboard halfway through the game because she was losing.
derision - drwina, szyderstwo [formal; the situation in which someone or something is laughed at and considered stupid or
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to upen...

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to permeate - przesiąknąć, przeniknąć [formal; to spread through something and be present in every part of it]
A foul smell of stale beer permeated the whole building.
aghast - zszokowany, przerażony [suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry]
He stood aghast at the sight of so much blood.
insofar - o tyle na ile
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to perm...

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to splutter - bełkotać, mówić niezrozumiałe wyrazy [to speak quickly and with difficulty, making soft spitting sounds, because you are angry or embarrassed]
He sputtered an apology about being 14 minutes late.
to carouse - hulać [literary or humorous; to enjoy yourself by drinking alcohol and speaking and laughing loudly in a group of people]
We'd been up carousing
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to splu...

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