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Mój przyjaciel pół Polak - pół Jemeńczyk (wg mnie dużo bardziej Polak) właśnie wrzucił na tablicę, wszystko o Arabskiej Wiośnie:

"Arab Spring? Shouldn't it be called Arab Autumn? What we are witnessing is a complete fall of governments and widespread of terror. In Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya... the uprisings brought annihilation to any kind of security and stability. Even if it might get better, this generation isn't likely to witness it. What's the point of "freedom" if you are afraid to step out of your house? What's the point of "freedom" if you are forced to convert to another religion under a gun barrel? Can't we see that armed groups have used the opportunity created by the people? Can't we see that now the armed groups force their mindset on the people who felt oppressed back in 2011? What can these people do now? Is this what we've been fighting for? Is this the "freedom"?"

#irak #syria #egipt #jemen #wojna #arabskawiosna #polityka #przemyslenia #oswiadczenie
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