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Jeden z ciekawszych podcastów które ostatnio słuchałem, wywiad z byłym risk managerem w 200mld hedge fundzie.

Topics of discussion:
The various ways people frame risk to express either a positive or negative opinion, and why some traders lack focus on the one core objective of trading.

Aaron explains what has helped him to be successful as a risk manager—what things does he do well, and why you’re best to begin taking risks at a young age.

Questions traders should be asking themselves about risk and two scenarios to think through prior to any trade, plus the characteristics of a “risk avoider.”

From a risk perspective, is it better to have a high win rate strategy? Aaron shares his thoughts on varying win rates and how to define a profit/payout ratio.

Unknown unknowns; Aaron speaks about black swans, protecting against unexpected outcomes, and killing opportunity by trying to prevent disaster.

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Topics of discussion:
Aaron describes how his relationship with risk started at an early age, why he became obsessive about money, and tales from playing poker as a 14yo kid.

Two sides of risk; the math and the deeper part that your conscious brain cannot understand. And benefits of operating at high intensities while sleep deprived.

The goals and objectives of a risk manager, thinking about everyday life differently,