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Dokonano ciekawego odkrycia na podstawie sygnału fal grawitacyjnych pochodzącego z detektorów LIGO/Virgo, a przy okazji zweryfikowano - po raz kolejny - niektóre założenia Ogólnej Teorii Względności - GW190814 — tajemniczy obiekt odkryty przez LIGO/Virgo o masie 2.6 mas Słońca.

Najnowsza analiza sygnału, pochodzącego z 3 biegu obserwacyjnego LIGO/Virgo, o nazwie roboczej GW190814 dostarczyła fizykom niespodziewanych rezultatów. Okazało się, że sygnał pochodzi z fuzji czarnej dziury o masie 23 mas Słońca oraz obiektu o masie 2.6 masach Słońca. Obiekt ten - póki co ciężko stwierdzić czy to czarna dziura czy gwiazda neutronowa - nie posiada precyzyjnego "wytłumaczenia" w obecnych teoriach i modelach dotyczących gwiazd neutronowych oraz czarnych dziur.

In this case, GW190814 would be the first time we have seen a neutron star–black hole binary. This could also be the most massive neutron star ever found, certainly the most massive in a compact-object binary. Alternatively, it could be a black hole, in which case it would be the smallest black hole ever found. We have discovered something special, we’re just not sure exactly what…

Jak powstał ten "nietypowy" obiekt? No cóż, ciężko powiedzieć.

What can we say about potential formation channels for the source? This is rather tricky as many predictions assume supernova models which lead to a mass group, so there’s nothing with a compatible mass for the lighter component. I expect there will be lots of checking what happens without this assumption.

Given the mass of the black hole, we would expect that it formed from a low metallicity star. That is a star which doesn’t have too many of the elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements lead to stronger stellar winds, meaning that stars are smaller at the end of their lives and it is harder to get a black hole that’s 23 times the mass of our Sun. The same is true for many of the black holes we’ve seen in gravitational waves.

The mass ratio is difficult to produce. It’s not what you would expect for dynamically formed binaries in globular clusters (as you’d expect heavier objects to pair up). It could maybe happen in the discs around active galactic nuclei, although there are lots of uncertainties about this, and since this is only a small part of space, I wouldn’t expect a large numbers of events. Isolated binaries (or higher multiples) can form these mass ratios, but they are rare for binaries that go on to merge. Again, it might be difficult to produce enough systems to explain our observation of GW190814. We need to do some more sleuthing to figure out how binaries form.

Swoją drogą, dodatkową ciekawostkę stanowi to, że po raz kolejny detekcja pozwoliła przetestować Ogólną Teorię Względności (i nie chodzi tu o istnienie fal grawitacyjnych ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) oraz przewidywane tempo ekspansji wszechświata.

While we haven’t solved the mystery of neutron star vs black hole, what can we deduce?

1. Einstein is still not wrong yet. Our tests of general relativity didn’t give us any evidence that something was wrong. We even tried a new test looking for deviations in the spin-induced quadrupole moment. GW190814 was initially thought to be a good case to try this, on account of its mass ratio, unfortunately, since there’s little hint of spin, we don’t get particularly informative results. Next time.

2. The Universe is expanded about as fast as we’d expect. We have a wonderfully tight localization: GW190814 has the best localization of all our gravitational waves except for GW170817. This means we can cross-reference with galaxy catalogues to estimate the Hubble constant, a measure of the expansion rate of the Universe. We get the distance from our gravitational wave measurement, and the redshift from the catalogue, and putting them together give the Hubble constant H_0.

#fizycznenowinkifakera -> nowinki fizyczne i nie tylko - do obserwowania lub czarnolistowania.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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FakeR - Dokonano ciekawego odkrycia na podstawie sygnału fal grawitacyjnych pochodząc...

źródło: comment_1592981971ndBfHoJY8BtkUnEr7Wm073.jpg

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@Ragazzo8: Dziękuję. Opis grafiki wygląda następująco:

The population of compact objects (black holes and neutron stars) observed with gravitational waves and with electromagnetic astronomy, including a few which are uncertain. GW190814 is highlighted. It is not clear if its lighter component is a black hole or neutron star.

Domniemam zatem, że kluczową część zdania, odnośnie Twojego pytania, stanowi ten fragment:

including a few which are uncertain

Zasadniczo pokrywają się one właśnie