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But it’s not the best version of the soundtrack that it deserves to be. While it definitely sounds fine on a first listen, something seems to be…off. There’s a certain layer of polish not present, a clash of instruments competing for spotlight space like early 2000’s nu-metal band members attempting to outdo each other in the recording studio. There’s a reason for that: None of those submitted tracks were mixed by Gordon.

( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

#gry #doom #doometernal #muzykazgier #ost #soundtrack #stomilionuwsoundtrackuw
krul_goblinuw - https://www.criticalhit.net/gaming/doom-eternals-officially-released-...

źródło: comment_1587380624uar48qctmRaSc9VVeO0zBT.jpg

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@muzzykalny: to bardziej prawdopodobne jest, zawsze były długie przerwy między wydaniem gier, a oficjalnym wydaniem jego soundtracków, teraz jest dość krótka

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