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Nima Arkani-Hamed mówi, jak jest z badaniami nad "podstawami mechaniki kwantowej" i jej rzekomymi problemami. Od 1:24:26, ale cały wykład też można obejrzeć.

I'm gonna give an answer that 30 years ago was the answer that 99,9% of theoretical physicists would give but it's somehow politically incorrect to say these days so I will say it. There is nothing interesting going on in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Zero. There is nothing in this subject that's not understood unless the word "gravity". (...) There is nothing interesting or deep or strange going on when a random graduate student does a random quantum measurement in a random basement laboratory somewhere. Everything there is completely understood within the ordinary logic of quantum mechanics. Something, by the way, what the founders of quantum mechanics understood perfectly.

#fizyka #ligamozgow #nauka #mechanikakwantowa #liganauki #gruparatowaniapoziomu
Clermont - Nima Arkani-Hamed mówi, jak jest z badaniami nad "podstawami mechaniki kwa...