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Niespodziewanie pojawiła mi się HotA 1.5.2 zmian jest sporo

Version 1.5.2

HotA bugs
[-] Fixed a bug where Ajit would have incorrect number of Beholders in his second stack
[-] Fixed a bug where Conflux heroes wouldn't be available in taverns for players who started with other towns
[-] Learning skill bonus is now considered when visiting Gazebo
[-] Fixed AI crash on boarding a boat
[-] Fixed a bug where multiplayer games with AI-controller players sometimes wouldn't load
[-] Fixed a bug where opening a hero's profile, then switching to another hero via right UI panel and attempting to fire him/her would cause issues
[-] Heroes exchange button on town screen now becomes inactive after one of them is dismissed
[-] It's now impossible to dismiss a hero in the unit gain, garrison, and mine windows
[-] Game doesn't crash anymore if savegames made in older, currently unsupported versions are present
[-] RMG: fixed a rare bug where a faulty passage would be created at a three-zone borderland
[-] Fixed a crash when summoning too many Fangarms with Horn of the Abyss
[-] Fixed a bug where the cursor could become faulty after closing the Grotto dialog window
[-] Fixed issues with smooth graphic effects in combat
[-] Mage Guild screen loading was speeded up
[-] Fixed a bug where there would be no text message when visiting an empty churchyard even if object messages were set to be shown
[-] Fixed a bug where incorrect soundbite could be played when notifying a player of his turn in hotseat multiplayer

In-game experience
[+] Resistance secondary skill and Garniture of Interference, Surcoat of Counterpoise, Boots of Polarity, and Pendant of Reflection artifacts reduce enemy hero Spell Power skill during combat instead of increasing a chance to resist a spell
[+] Resistance secondary skill percents increased from 5/10/20 to 10/20/30
[+] The damage of Armageddon spell reduced form 50*SP + 30/30/60/120 to 40*SP + 30/30/60/120
[+] The effect of Protection from Air, Protection from Fire, Protection from Water, and Protection from Earth spells increased from 30/30/50/50% to 50/50/75/75%
[+] Value of antimagic spells has been reduced for AI
[-] Ruins guard count increased from 10/2/2/10/1 — 20/3/3/10/1 — 30/5/5/20/2 — 40/7/7/20/2 to 20/3/3/10/1 — 30/5/5/10/1 — 40/7/7/20/2 — 50/9/9/20/3 (Skeletons/Wights/Wraiths/Skeleton Warriors/Power Liches); Ruins open map radius increased from 10 to 12
[-] Obstacle generation along with placement of creatures and upgraded neutral stacks are now performed similarly to SoD

SoD bugs
[-] Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking an enemy stack adjacent to a First Aid Tent during the Tent's turn
[-] Fixed a bug where AI would enter a cycle after erroneously determining a tile to summon a boat
[-] Fixed a number of technical bugs with reviewing an enemy's turn
[-] Fixed a bug where the minimap would go black after exiting a town screen during enemy's turn
[+] Fixed a bug where the town list in bottom right corner of the UI wouldn't refresh after using an Inferno's Town Gate to teleport
[+] Fixed a bug where AI could still be searching for the Grail on a map with no obelisks
[+] Fixed a bug when screen was not updated after getting defeating monster prize

[+] A new highlands spruce tree has been added
[-] Oasis sprite remade
[+] Fixed and enhanced the autumn oak tree sprites for the Grass terrain

[+] Added a hint with the creature upgrade cost when right-clicking or hovering over the upgrade button, even if it's inactive
[+] Combat hero preview window now shows hero temporary skill changes
[+] Campaign video is now interrupted in 15 seconds instead of 3 after subtitle scrolling stopped

[+] Fortune Favors Fools and In Defense scenarios have been introduced
[-] Scenario The Devil Is in the Detail updated
[-] Added a possibility to generate mt_TeamJebus RMG template on M size
[-] On 6lm10a RMG template the roads on wide connections and most of center zone connection are disabled
[-] Black'n'Blue RMG template updated
[+] Added RMG template check before on-line game, and a warning in case the template is modified
Добавлена проверка шаблонов игроков перед онлайн-игрой и предупреждение в случае модифицированного шаблона
[-] Mirrored templates now have synchronized upgraded neutral stacks and obstacle placement in combat
[-] Minimal volume setting has been decreased; overamplification at the top setting has been fixed
[-] Multiple maps and texts have been fixed

Niezmiernie zadziwia mnie ten zespół moderski ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#heroes3 #homm3 #hota
  • 6
czemu niespodziewanie? kto choc troche sie interesowal tematem, ten wiedzial, ze 1.5.2 miala sie pojawic. poza tym byly do ogarniecia oczywiste bugi takie jak chociazby startowe wojo u ajita