Aktywne Wpisy
aei9077 +305
Przedmieścia Frankfurtu vs przedmieścia Krakowa dziś. Dla niemca planowanie przestrzenne to standard i konieczność, dla polaka robaka to lewacki komunizm i zamach na wolność. Problemy i koszty generowane przez ten burdel? A kto by się tam przejmował, stać nas na bangladesz w środku Europy.
#100latplanowaniawpolsce #skyscrapercity #urbanistyka #architektura #polska #krakow #patodeweloperka #nieruchomosci #4konserwy #neuropa #bekazpodludzi
#100latplanowaniawpolsce #skyscrapercity #urbanistyka #architektura #polska #krakow #patodeweloperka #nieruchomosci #4konserwy #neuropa #bekazpodludzi
Hitmonlee +93
Ja #!$%@?, byliśmy w restauracji w szóstkę i miło zapytałem kelnerkę, czy dałoby radę wymienić stolik, bo chętnie zaprosimy jeszcze kilka osób. Jak przyszli, to ta sama kelnerka poinformowała nas, że od teraz do każdego zamówienia doliczane będzie 10% dodatkowej opłaty. Zaprosiłem im klientów i cena mojego piwa wzrosła XDDDD
Zebraliśmy się i wyszliśmy ze scamowni
#zalesie #scam #warszawa
Zebraliśmy się i wyszliśmy ze scamowni
#zalesie #scam #warszawa
Version 1.5.2
HotA bugs
[-] Fixed a bug where Ajit would have incorrect number of Beholders in his second stack
[-] Fixed a bug where Conflux heroes wouldn't be available in taverns for players who started with other towns
[-] Learning skill bonus is now considered when visiting Gazebo
[-] Fixed AI crash on boarding a boat
[-] Fixed a bug where multiplayer games with AI-controller players sometimes wouldn't load
[-] Fixed a bug where opening a hero's profile, then switching to another hero via right UI panel and attempting to fire him/her would cause issues
[-] Heroes exchange button on town screen now becomes inactive after one of them is dismissed
[-] It's now impossible to dismiss a hero in the unit gain, garrison, and mine windows
[-] Game doesn't crash anymore if savegames made in older, currently unsupported versions are present
[-] RMG: fixed a rare bug where a faulty passage would be created at a three-zone borderland
[-] Fixed a crash when summoning too many Fangarms with Horn of the Abyss
[-] Fixed a bug where the cursor could become faulty after closing the Grotto dialog window
[-] Fixed issues with smooth graphic effects in combat
[-] Mage Guild screen loading was speeded up
[-] Fixed a bug where there would be no text message when visiting an empty churchyard even if object messages were set to be shown
[-] Fixed a bug where incorrect soundbite could be played when notifying a player of his turn in hotseat multiplayer
In-game experience
[+] Resistance secondary skill and Garniture of Interference, Surcoat of Counterpoise, Boots of Polarity, and Pendant of Reflection artifacts reduce enemy hero Spell Power skill during combat instead of increasing a chance to resist a spell
[+] Resistance secondary skill percents increased from 5/10/20 to 10/20/30
[+] The damage of Armageddon spell reduced form 50*SP + 30/30/60/120 to 40*SP + 30/30/60/120
[+] The effect of Protection from Air, Protection from Fire, Protection from Water, and Protection from Earth spells increased from 30/30/50/50% to 50/50/75/75%
[+] Value of antimagic spells has been reduced for AI
[-] Ruins guard count increased from 10/2/2/10/1 — 20/3/3/10/1 — 30/5/5/20/2 — 40/7/7/20/2 to 20/3/3/10/1 — 30/5/5/10/1 — 40/7/7/20/2 — 50/9/9/20/3 (Skeletons/Wights/Wraiths/Skeleton Warriors/Power Liches); Ruins open map radius increased from 10 to 12
[-] Obstacle generation along with placement of creatures and upgraded neutral stacks are now performed similarly to SoD
SoD bugs
[-] Fixed a crash that would occur when clicking an enemy stack adjacent to a First Aid Tent during the Tent's turn
[-] Fixed a bug where AI would enter a cycle after erroneously determining a tile to summon a boat
[-] Fixed a number of technical bugs with reviewing an enemy's turn
[-] Fixed a bug where the minimap would go black after exiting a town screen during enemy's turn
[+] Fixed a bug where the town list in bottom right corner of the UI wouldn't refresh after using an Inferno's Town Gate to teleport
[+] Fixed a bug where AI could still be searching for the Grail on a map with no obelisks
[+] Fixed a bug when screen was not updated after getting defeating monster prize
[+] A new highlands spruce tree has been added
[-] Oasis sprite remade
[+] Fixed and enhanced the autumn oak tree sprites for the Grass terrain
[+] Added a hint with the creature upgrade cost when right-clicking or hovering over the upgrade button, even if it's inactive
[+] Combat hero preview window now shows hero temporary skill changes
[+] Campaign video is now interrupted in 15 seconds instead of 3 after subtitle scrolling stopped
[+] Fortune Favors Fools and In Defense scenarios have been introduced
[-] Scenario The Devil Is in the Detail updated
[-] Added a possibility to generate mt_TeamJebus RMG template on M size
[-] On 6lm10a RMG template the roads on wide connections and most of center zone connection are disabled
[-] Black'n'Blue RMG template updated
[+] Added RMG template check before on-line game, and a warning in case the template is modified
Добавлена проверка шаблонов игроков перед онлайн-игрой и предупреждение в случае модифицированного шаблона
[-] Mirrored templates now have synchronized upgraded neutral stacks and obstacle placement in combat
[-] Minimal volume setting has been decreased; overamplification at the top setting has been fixed
[-] Multiple maps and texts have been fixed
Niezmiernie zadziwia mnie ten zespół moderski ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#heroes3 #homm3 #hota