The value in Redux is there is a clear, consistent way to manage state shared between components. Redux is a good solution for reacting to global state changes, or for reacting to state shared between components that are not connected by parent-child relationships. On the downside, the extra layers of indirection – triggering an action, handling that action in a reducer, then updating state – make it more complex than just setting
Porada dotycząca zdobywania pracy przez projekty podobne:

Here's a piece of advice from actual experience (from both sides):

Invest your time studying for interviews than wasting time building side projects if you're doing this purely for getting a job, period.

In my experience, companies don't care about your little side project when hiring--that is, unless your "little side project" had some huge impact or is something they have been aware of--the best
Guava 21 nie pójdzie już na Java7, Java8 jest nowym wymogiem

Główne zmiany integracyjne z Javą:

Function, Predicate and Supplier: changed to extend the new java.util.function interfaces with the same names.
Optional: added toJavaUtil and fromJavaUtil methods for easy conversion between Guava's Optional and java.util.Optional.
Objects: removed deprecated firstNonNull and toStringHelper methods (both found on MoreObjects since Guava 18.0).

Normalization of deviance in software: how broken practices become standard

Knowledge is imperfect and uneven

People don’t automatically know what should be normal, and when new people are onboarded, they can just as easily learn deviant processes that have become normalized as reasonable processes.

Julia Evans described to me how this happens:

new person joins
new person: WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF
old hands: yeah we know we’re concerned about it
@interface: o, jednak nie tylko ja marudzę na javę 9 i to jak popsuli refleksje ;/ Nie da się nawet z klasy proxy wywoływać domyślnych implementacji metod.
Na razie to obchodzę za pomocą unsafe, ale to słabe rozwiązanie bo w końcu unsafe też chcą wywalić...
Wszystkie refelksje na klasach javy są zablokowane, np nie da się już edytować finalnego pola.
@interface: na refleksjach połowa świata stoi, większośc libek używa, każdy serwer używa, wszystko tego używa. Ba, nawet java trochę tego używa sama na sobie ;)
Wszystko zależy jak tego używasz, bo wyobraź sobie taką javę EE bez żadnych refleksji, adnotacji :D
Facebook potrafi przewidzieć kiedy zmienisz status na "w związku"

Facebook wie więcej niż myślisz, i nie ujawnia swoich kategorii do których jesteście przypisani. BigData bigger then you thought.

Since September, ProPublica has been encouraging Facebook users to share the categories of interest that the site has assigned to them. Users showed us everything from “Pretending to Text in Awkward Situations” to “Breastfeeding in Public.” In total, we collected more than 52,000
Dropsort - stratny algorytm sortowania

This paper presents the Dropsort algorithm and suggests improvements. Dropsort is a simple comparison sorting algorithm that performs in O(n) time by simply removing those elements that are not already in the correct order. Because of this, it is not a true sorting algorithm as the output does not contain all the elements of the input. In other words it is a lossy “sorting algorithm”

@interface @sorhu:
Co sądzicie o rozwinięciu podsekcji 4.1?

4.1 Performance


Consider a case where a large amount of data to be sorted exists in a flat text file.

Dropsort when sorting the lines in the file must only delete a row. Other sorting

algorithms require that lines be deleted, stored, and inserted into another place in the file

– often many times. This is more difficult in a text file
kubernetes ma wsparcie na Windows Server, ale nadal nie wspiera IPv6 :(

RedHat tworzy oficjalna paczke OpenJDK dla Windowsa

Potencjal jezyka Elixir - bazujacego na Haskellu - Elixir jest uzywany we francuskiej telewizji na serwerach produkcyjnych. IMO Elixir jest zdecydowanie jednym z najbardziej edge cutting jezykow obecnie, warto sie zapoznac z mozliwosciami.

OpenWRT i LEDE zamierzaja sie polaczyc


#java #haskell #elixir #openwrt
@olewales: w emailu jest napisane ze planuja wejsc pod parasol FSF, zlaczyc kod OpenWRT do LEDE

- codebase merging strategy: try to get OpenWrt merged into LEDE, and reach out to the community to help resolve the missing bits

- commits that did change the branding/copyright: it all depends on which name we pick as the merge back project name, and just make sure that we "revert" or maintain these changes
“I’m going to take you out to the edge to show you what the future looks like.” So begins a16z partner Peter Levine as he takes us on a “crazy” tour of the history and future of cloud computing — from the constant turns between centralized to distributed computing, and even to his “Forrest Gump rule” of investing in these shifts.

But… how can we say cloud computing is coming to an