TLDR; police smashed my door down - how can I claim for the cost of a replacement?

I was renovating my flat (so was staying at my parents at the time) and one morning I went back to the flat, to find that the front door had been smashed in, but also 'repaired' (2 piece of plywood screwed onto either side of the door where the deadbolt had been smashed out.

@cheeseandonion: dalej nie bardzo lapie, moj angielski nie jest perfekt, ale najpierw tam mowia ze siadziala na lawce, potem #!$%@? o protestach antycovidowych zeby wrocic do tego ze ona w nich nie uczestniczyla, jedynie zlamala zakaz wychodzenia. Niby wszystko spoko, no ale tam widze w tle miliard ludzi, dlaczego ona akurat?