Sam Feltham: I wanted to give you guys a bit more of a background on me. Some of you might know my self-experiments, my overeating tough experiments where I ate 5000 cal a day. And I did that with three different diets. And basically the idea was, was that I'd eat double the amount I usually would, and see what happens with those three different diets over 21 days, with a three-month washout period in between. The first one was Low-carb Real Food and I ended up in a 47,000 cal surplus, which according to the calorie formula should've equaled 6.1 kg. But in reality, I actually only put on just over a kilogram, which is 2.2 pounds, and actually lost 3 cm from my waist, which is just over an inch. And then, experiment two, after that three-month washout period, low-fat fake food... you can see that. Again, I ended up in a 47,000 cal surplus, this is after exercise, protein, fiber, everything like that. Again should've been 6.1 kg of weight gain. I ended up being 7.1 kg, which is approximately 16 pounds. And then, I put on 9.25 cm on my waist, which is just shy of 4 inches. And for a guy that's always been naturally lean, yeah, that was interesting. And then experiment 3 was very low-fat vegan. So, I ended up in just shy of 40,000 cal net surplus. And is quite interesting, following on from that last talk, I was actually eating about 150 g of fiber a day, so, I was regular. So, I should've gained 5.2 kg, ended up putting on 4.7 kg, still an substantial amount, and putting on 7.75 cm on my waist, which is approximately 3 inches. So, this kind of really set me up in terms of giving me the credentials to get in touch with all of these doctors..
@NooB1980: Ale ja nie neguje kwestii związanych z węglowodanami/białkami/tłuszczami i ich balanse, oraz tego jak te proporcje ( w różnych ilościach ) wpływają na odchudzanie.
@stefan8800: posługiwanie się wyłącznie bilansem kalorycznym w odchudzaniu jest mniej więcej tak dobre jak posługiwanie się wagą do określenia siły człowieka. Albo rozmiarem silnika do określenia jego mocy.
Ludzki organizm jest bardzo skomplikowany, masz szereg narządów odpowiedzialnych za metabolizm. Różne mikro i makro składniki pożywienia są w różny sposób metabolizowane. Inny będziesz miał metabolizm o różnych porach dnia, czy w odstępie czasu od ostatniego posiłku. Wyróżniamy (na chwilę obecną) 50
@stefan8800: Dla Ciebie to takie proste? A wiesz, że człowiek który będzie się odżywiał tylko białkiem (niezależnie od tego ile tego białka będzie) będzie chudł i to w zastraszającym tempie (na tym efekcie opiera się niezdrowa dieta Dukana) bo kalorie z białek więcej energii pobierają niż dostarczają. I gdzie teraz jest "twoja fizyka"? Tak samo sprawa z tłuszczami nie jest prosta bo one uwalniają się inaczej niż węglowodany i z
Komentarze (11)
Sam Feltham: I wanted to give you guys a bit more of a background on me. Some of you might know my self-experiments, my overeating tough experiments where I ate 5000 cal a day. And I did that with three different diets. And basically the idea was, was that I'd eat double the amount I usually would, and see what happens with those three different diets over 21 days, with a three-month washout period in between. The first one was Low-carb Real Food and I ended up in a 47,000 cal surplus, which according to the calorie formula should've equaled 6.1 kg. But in reality, I actually only put on just over a kilogram, which is 2.2 pounds, and actually lost 3 cm from my waist, which is just over an inch. And then, experiment two, after that three-month washout period, low-fat fake food... you can see that. Again, I ended up in a 47,000 cal surplus, this is after exercise, protein, fiber, everything like that. Again should've been 6.1 kg of weight gain. I ended up being 7.1 kg, which is approximately 16 pounds. And then, I put on 9.25 cm on my waist, which is just shy of 4 inches. And for a guy that's always been naturally lean, yeah, that was interesting. And then experiment 3 was very low-fat vegan. So, I ended up in just shy of 40,000 cal net surplus. And is quite interesting, following on from that last talk, I was actually eating about 150 g of fiber a day, so, I was regular. So, I should've gained 5.2 kg, ended up putting on 4.7 kg, still an substantial amount, and putting on 7.75 cm on my waist, which is approximately 3 inches. So, this kind of really set me up in terms of giving me the credentials to get in touch with all of these doctors..
W opisie jest informacja o pełnym materiale. - link do ich strony.
Ludzki organizm jest bardzo skomplikowany, masz szereg narządów odpowiedzialnych za metabolizm. Różne mikro i makro składniki pożywienia są w różny sposób metabolizowane. Inny będziesz miał metabolizm o różnych porach dnia, czy w odstępie czasu od ostatniego posiłku. Wyróżniamy (na chwilę obecną) 50
Tak samo sprawa z tłuszczami nie jest prosta bo one uwalniają się inaczej niż węglowodany i z