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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

uproarious - wrzaskliwy, bardzo zabawny [extremely funny; extremely noisy and confused]
It's a very amusing play with an uproarious final act.
gleeful - radosny [happy, excited, or pleased]
I rubbed my hands in gleeful #!$%@? before settling down to sleep.
appendage - dodatek [formal; something that exists as a smaller and less important part of something larger]
The committee is a mere appendage of the council and has no power of its own.
to abhor - brzydzić się [to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is not moral]
I abhor all forms of racism.
depravity - deprawacja [the state of being morally bad, or an action that is morally bad]
We should remember the depravity, barbarism inhumanity and indifference that necessitated that declaration.
passing lane - lewy pas [UK: overtakig lane]
/ˈpæs.ɪŋ ˌleɪn/
As a result, heavy trucks are often prohibited from using the passing lane.
leprosy - trąd
Clinical examination was performed for signs and symptoms of leprosy.
to condone - przebaczyć winę (lub: akceptować złe zachowanie)
If the government is seen to condone violence, the bloodshed will never stop.
gloom - przygnębienie, mrok [feelings of great unhappiness and loss of hope]
There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future.
celery - seler (naciowy)
Celery is a vegetable with long, crisp, light green stems that are often eaten raw.
brethren - bracia [members of an organized group, especially a religious group of men]
We should do all we can to help our less fortunate brethren.
dominion - panowanie, zwierzchnictwo [control over a country or people]
Man has dominion over the natural world.
dire - dramatyczny, skrajny
This decision will have dire consequences for local people.
to usher - wprowadzać [to show someone where they should go, or to make someone go where you want them to go]
She ushered us into her office and offered us coffee.
laden - obciążony, obładowany
He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone.
bonus - idiom
before the ink is dry
If people reach an agreement, then change their minds immediately afterwards, the change occurs 'before the ink is dry'.
You can never tell when he's serious. He's capable of changing his mind before the ink is dry!

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