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Wg artykułu opublikowanego w czasopiśmie Circulation wydawanym przez Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne, kobiety w przypadku wystąpienia pozaszpitalnego zatrzymania krążenia, rzadziej niż mężczyźni otrzymują resuscytację krążeniowo-oddechową, m.in. z powodu obaw przed niewłaściwym dotykaniem i oskarżeniem o napaść na tle seksualnym.


19.02.2019 https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.037692

Background: Women who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) less often than men. Understanding public perceptions of why this occurs is a necessary first step toward equitable application of this potentially life-saving intervention.

Methods: We conducted a national survey of members of the public using Mechanical Turk, Amazon’s crowdsourcing platform, to determine reasons why women might receive bystander CPR less often than men. Eligible #!$%@? were adults (≥18 years) located in the United States. Responses were excluded if the #!$%@? was not able to define CPR correctly. #!$%@? were asked to answer the following free-text question: “Do you have any ideas on why women may be less likely to receive CPR than men when they collapse in public?” Descriptive statistics were used to define the cohort. The free-text response was coded using open coding, and major themes were identified via classical content analysis.

Results: In total, 548 subjects were surveyed. Mean age was 38.8 years, and 49.8% were female. #!$%@? were geographically distributed as follows: 18.5% West, 9.2% Southwest, 22.0% Midwest, 27.5% Southeast, and 22.9% Northeast. After analysis, 3 major themes were detected for why the public perceives that women receive less bystander CPR. They include the following: (1) sexualization of women’s bodies; (2) women are weak and frail and therefore prone to injury; and (3) misperceptions about women in acute medical distress. Overall, 41.9% (227) were trained in CPR while 4.4% reported having provided CPR in a medical emergency.

Conclusions: Members of the general public perceive fears about inappropriate touching, accusations of sexual assault, and fear of causing injury as inhibiting bystander CPR for women. Educational and policy efforts to address these perceptions may reduce the sex differences in the application of bystander CPR.

#pierwszapomoc #rko #ratownictwo #medycyna #ciekawostki #rownouprawnienie #feminizm #metoo #rozowepaski #niebieskiepaski
Piekarz123 - Wg artykułu opublikowanego w czasopiśmie Circulation wydawanym przez Ame...

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