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Zaktualizowałem bazę wordsfrommovies.com, żeby lepiej się wyszukiwało seriale i słówka do nich :) Przy kilkudziesięciu tysiącach pozycji był już problem. Przykładowo dla Friends S1E1 wyszukuje teraz słówka:
1. albino
- a person with congenital albinism: white hair and milky skin; eyes are usually pink
2. bookcase
- a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books
3. bracket
- a category falling within certain defined limits
- either of two punctuation marks (<‘ or >’) used in computer programming and sometimes used to enclose textual material
- either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material
3. closeness
- a feeling of being intimate and belonging together
- the quality of being close and poorly ventilated
- the spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance
4. screamer
- someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice
- a sensational newspaper headline
- gooselike aquatic bird of South America having a harsh trumpeting call

#friends #angielski #filmy #seriale