Wpis z mikrobloga

mirki, kolejna #praca, #pracait tym razem #krakow i #testowanie / #testowanieoprogramowania

dwie pozycje, jedna dla Quality Engeener (bardziej automaty) druga dla analityka testowego
stawka 600PLN/dzien, czyli jeszcze nie #programista15k ale nie duzo brakuje

5+ Years of IT testing
Test execution and reporting experience
Team working and networking skills
Strong communication and interpersonal skills
Proven experience in working with #agile methods. [Scrum /Kanban]
Experienced in scrum master and people management
Experienced in the concept of planning poker and proven experience in estimating test complexity and effort.
Active in Agile meetings when required for retrospectives, scrum of scrums

Collaborate with architects to ensure solutions adhere to their principles and direction
· Work with both your team and other cross functional teams to plan and execute tests
· Create, drive and build test strategies that are robust, reusable and scalable
· Extensive commercial automation experience testing mobile and web application software
· Relevant knowledge of test automation experience using #cucumber, #ruby, Robot, WebDriver, #selenium
· Experience of at least one of Browser Stack, Sauce Labs, #appium, Calabash, TestCloud or other Cloud Service Testing Framework
· Test automation experience of ReST and #soap based APIs and Web Services using single and multi-threading
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