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Kompendium wiedzy na temat Trasy #runforrestrun


w telegraficznym skrócie mamy do odbycia wspólną podróż na dystansie 24 540 kilometrów

do tego 11 punktów odniesienia. Pierwszy cel to wyprawa z Alabamy na molo w Santa Monica ( ewentualnie przekroczenie Missisipi).

...We’re told that Forrest ran for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours, and in that time he ran 15,248 miles, crossing the United States five times, before deciding that it was time to go home.

Overall Forrest ran 0.54 miles per hour and averaged 91 miles per week...

Based on this information from the movie, the list of filming locations, and an analysis of the script, Centives was able to generate the 11 point route that Forrest follows in his journey across the United States...

#sztafeta #bieganiezwykopem
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