Wpis z mikrobloga

@dariot: w sumie tak, ale

When most people say 12pm, typically they're talking about the middle of the day: 12 noon. When they say 12am, they normally mean 12 midnight.

While some people follow this convention, technically it's not quite right – as you'll see from the definition of am and pm below. To avoid any confusion (and to make sure you arrive on time), it might be best to
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Dla mnie nigdy to nie miało sensu, bo PM to skrót od post meridiem(po południu),

@IllIllllIllniepomszczon_napletekIlI: 12:00 az do 12:59 jest, w istocie, po poludniu. Poludnie wybija dokladnie o 12:00:00 i wszystko od wtedy jest po poludniu.

Nie powiesz chyba, ze 12:01 albo 12:59 jest przed poludniem.
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