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Eksperci alarmują: szczepionki powodują tolerancje przeciwciał IgG4, co może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji.

Najnowsze badanie wskazuje, że dochodzi do zmiany klasy w kierunku niezapalnych przeciwciał IgG4 po wielokrotnym szczepieniu SARS-CoV-2 mRNA. Kilka miesięcy po drugim szczepieniu pojawia się coraz więcej niezapalnych przeciwciał IgG4, które wzrosły średnio od 0,04% krótko po drugim szczepieniu do 19,27% późno po trzecim szczepieniu.

After mRNA vaccination the immune response against Spike is shifting to IgG4, which is how your body responds after repeat exposure to stuff it needs to tolerate, like bee venom, pollen or peanut proteins.

What is IgG4?

Our immune systems are complicated. We do need to fight dangerous replicating pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. At the same time, we also face harmless inert substances, such as tree pollen, that sometimes cause inflammatory reactions called allergies.

To deal with these harmless substances, our immune system has a particular class of antibodies, called IgG4, that do the opposite of what we are used to hearing: they bind to allergens and tell our immune cells to ignore them rather than cause inflammation.

It is a good idea not to have inflammation in response to pollen. It is a bad idea, however, to train our immune system to ignore replicating pathogens such as Sars-Cov-2.

What Does Immune Tolerance Do?

Immune tolerance prevents rapid clearance of the infection, making boosted people the slowest to clear Covid-19.

It prevents the formation of lasting neutralizing immunity, thus making affected people suffer from repeat reinfections. In other words, forget herd immunity.

Immune Tolerance is a Biological Time Bomb

It takes time for immune tolerance to develop after boosting. The switch to IgG4 is a consequence of ongoing GC maturation and that it takes several months until IgG4-switched memory B cells appear. This “taking months to develop” is a biological time bomb placed into the immune systems of boosted people! It takes the germinal centers months after the third injection to switch to the useless IgG4.

Therefore, many months after the booster dose, a Covid infection is met with worthless, forgiving, and disease-ignoring IgG4 antibodies. The infection seems mild; the virus replicates unopposed due to the IgG4 switch; the cardiovascular system is damaged; the risk of sudden death multiplies!


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Pobierz jinnoman - Eksperci alarmują: szczepionki powodują tolerancje przeciwciał IgG4, co mo...
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