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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

sulky - nadąsany [refusing to smile or be pleasant to people, usually because you are angry about something]
She brought along a couple of sulky kids who didn't say a word the whole time.
semblance - pozór, podobieństwo [a situation or condition that is similar to what is wanted or expected, but is not exactly as hoped for]
He was executed without even the semblance of a fair trial.
bushy - krzaczasty [(of hair or fur) growing thickly]
A lot of his face was hidden behind a bushy moustache.
to dupe - naciągnąć, wykiwać [to deceive someone, usually by making that person do something that they did not intend to do]
The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.
incantation - inkantacja, zaklęcie [(the performance of) words that are believed to have a magical effect when spoken or sung]
Around the fire, tribal elders chanted incantations.
pulpit - ambona [a raised place in a church, with steps leading up to it, from which the priest or minister speaks to the people during a religious ceremony]
The pulpit appears to be of Byzantine origin.
gait - chód, krok [formal; a particular way of walking; the particular way a horse walks or runs]
I recognized his gait from a distance. The pony's gait slowed from a canter to a trot.
incense - kadzidło [a substance that is burnt to produce a sweet smell, especially as part of a religious ceremony]
The commonest incense in ancient India was probably frankincense.
notch - karb, nacięcie [a V-shaped cut in a hard surface]
The stick has two notches, one at each end.
welfare - zasiłek [help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money]
Your taxes pay for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.
bonus - idiom
class act
To say that someone, for example an athlete or entertainer, is a class act means that they are very good at what they do.
Her career is just beginning but she's already a class act.


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Talia fiszek anki plik

sulky -...
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