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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

onerous - uciążliwy, ciężki [needing great effort; causing trouble or worry]
She found the duties of motherhood onerous.
viaduct - wiadukt
An ancient Roman viaduct crosses the valley.
underhand - nieuczciwy, skryty [done secretly, and sometimes dishonestly, in order to achieve an advantage]
What really angered her was the dirty, underhand way they had tricked her.
unfathomable - niezgłębiony [impossible to understand]
For some unfathomable reason they built the toilet next to the kitchen.
morsel - kąsek
The prisoners ate every last morsel.
pancreas - trzustka
The part of the pancreas in digestion also is better understood.
to trample - deptać
She shouted at the boys for trampling on her flowers.
agile - zwinny [able to move your body quickly and easily]
Monkeys are very agile climbers. Monkeys are very agile climbers.
vindictive - mściwy [having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive]
He accused her of being vindictive.
residual - pozostały, szczątkowy [remaining after most of something has gone]
I still felt some residual bitterness ten years after my divorce.
to abduct - uprowadzać [to force someone to go somewhere with you, often using threats or violence]
The company director was abducted from his car by terrorists.
outcast - wyrzutek [a person who has no place in their society or in a particular group, because the society or group refuses to accept them]
She has spent her life trying to help the homeless and other social outcasts.
pasture - pastwisko
The sheep were grazing on the lush green pastures.
tenant - najemca, lokator [a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building]
He was cruel to his tenants.
rooster - kogut
I heard a rooster crow.
bonus - idiom
be full of beans
A person who is full of beans is lively, healthy and active.
Charlie may be getting old but he's still full of beans.

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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

onerous - uciążliwy, ciężki [needing great e...

źródło: comment_1602388868sfi2U7L9GP9WxsIhY2zma0.jpg

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No hej Glen widze ze nie proznujesz ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º) Jedno ze slowek wywolalo niezamierzony usmiech na mojej twarzy i wyjasniam dlaczego.

Wedlug mnie zamiast rooster to wlasnie slowa cock lub na przyklad black cock powinny opisywac koguta lub czarnego koguta (ʘʘ) Przynajmniej tutaj gdzie mieszkam.

Tlumaczenie z amerykanskiego wypaczylo i niestety z czasem wydaje mi sie ze zastapi pierwotne angielskie znaczenie slowa
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