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@Kempes: Chodź chłopski rozum jest synonimizowany z debilizmem to opozycja proponuje brak jakiegokolwiek rozumu i tylko życie zabawą. I taki #!$%@? z dyskusji w temacie, bo walka trwa w temacie wartości uznawanych za słuszne.
via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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"Maya Forstater is a researcher in the United Kingdom who recently lost her job for stating the scientific and indisputable fact that men cannot turn into women. Forstater went to court to win back her job but an employment judge ruled against her this week, declaring that Forstater’s belief in biological science is 'not worthy of respect in a democratic society.'"

Zgadza się, coraz gorzej dla badań, coraz lepiej