Wpis z mikrobloga

It's being reported as a fight breaking out, leading to the police being called. Responding officers were assaulted and knocked to the ground.

Armed units show up and then the footage starts. Obviously they didn't want to show the original police officers getting their noses broken.

While attempting to arrest one of the suspects of the earlier altercation, three officers were subject to a violent assault, where they were punched to the ground.

A female officer suffered a broken nose and all three were taken to hospital for treatment. As the attending officers were firearms officers, there was a clear risk during this assault of their firearms being taken away from them.


#uk #gb #takasytuacja
cheeseandonion - It's being reported as a fight breaking out, leading to the police b...
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@cheeseandonion: xD czytam na początku i się zastanawiałem, gdzie to taka nieudolna policja, bo miniaturka suglądała trochę jak US.
Potem spojrzałem na tagi xD
Przecież w US to by tam raz dwa spacyfikowali, a jakby weszło AT, to by ciapaków pakowali do worków z karmą dla psów.
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