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#uk #samochody #motoryzacja

W UK okazuje sie że ban na spalinowe od 2030 będzie bardzo trudny do fizycznego wykonania:

Can the government's 2030 ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars be achieved?
The government's ban on petrol and diesel cars due in 2030 is going to be a tough feat, industry experts have warned after figures showed a lack of charging points for electric vehicles.

In a build up to the ban, the government has aimed to install six or more rapid or ultra-rapid electric vehicle chargers at every motorway service area in England by the end of 2023.

But research by the RAC has found less than a quarter of 119 motorway services have the target number of chargers to serve the UK's estimated 760,000 battery electric vehicles.

Six of them don't have any high-powered chargers at all.

These are:

Leicester Forest on both sides of the M1
Tebay South on the M6
Carlisle Northbound on the M1
Strensham Southbound on the M5
Barton Park on the A1(M)
"As a lack of charging facilities is rapidly becoming one of the most widely quoted reasons for drivers not going electric, all parties involved in making installations happen must work together to overcome this obstacle," said an RAC spokesman.

"It's critical that the country's charging network grows proportionately, particularly at the fastest end of the charging spectrum."

Lisa Watson, director of sales at Close Brothers Motor Finance, told This Is Money: "If more isn't done to improve charging infrastructure, the 2030 ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles will seem an increasingly tough ask."
  • 9
@konradpra: też mnie trochę dziwi ta sraczka w kierunku elektryków. tak się zawsze #!$%@? ze petrolobby nie pozwoli na to czy tamto a tu patrz. jakie to niby lobby jest tak silne żeby forsowac elektromobilnosc? ¯\(ツ)/¯ żeby tylko za 10 lat nie powtórzył się schemat diesli. najpierw namawianie ludzi do kupowania diesli nawet w autach miejskich, zerowe podatki drogowe a potem zmiana o 180 st., diesel to wcielone zuo xD
@Steven_Hyde: transport ciezarowy, morski, pojazdy wojskowe, lotnictwo albo rakiety kosmiczne beda smrodzic jeszcze 80+ lat tak samo jak kraje trzeciego swiata - a rozwijajace sie 40 plus lat - i to nie tylko ciezkimi olejami, paliwem rakietowym czy benzyna ale weglem drewnem i czym sie da - wiec lobby bedzie mialo sie nadal dobrze.Prywatny transport w krajach rozwinietych to malutki procent calosci - poza tym to ze nie chodzi tu o