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LR Buu (Super) - Shot of Extinction
Leader Skill: "Majin Buu Saga" and "Heavenly Events" Categories Ki +4 and HP, ATK, DEF +150%
Super Attack:
12 Ki: Mystic Ball Attack - Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes colossal damage and greatly lowers DEF
18 Ki: Assault Rain - Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to all enemies with a medium chance to stun
Passive Skill: Terror with a Conscience of 0% - Activates the Entrance Animation (once only) and gains Ki +5 and ATK & DEF +120% for 4 turns upon first appearance; ATK & DEF +120% at the start of turn; gain an additional ATK +30% when attacking if HP is 30% or higher, and gain an additional ATK +30% when attacking if HP is 60% or higher, gain an additional ATK & DEF +30% when attacking if HP is 90% or higher; great chance to guard all attacks; guard activated against all attacks if there is a "Majin Buu Saga" or "Fused Fighter" Category enemy; perform an additional attack that has a high chance to become a Super Attack during the turn where guard is activated; temporarily gain an additional ATK +100% for this character's next attack after receiving an attack; gain an additional Ki +1 and DEF +20% for each attack received (max of Ki +7 and DEF +140%)
Active Skill: Revenge Death Bomber
Conditions: Able to be used once 5 or more turns have elapsed in battle and HP is 60% or below (once only)
Ability: Massively raises ATK temporarily and causes ultimate damage, recovers 40% HP and disables the enemy's action once within the turn

tłumaczenie: Goresh

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