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@oydamoydam: zwroc uwge na komunikat - odmawia finansowania, nie obslugi. Mu chodzi tylko o kase. Nie prezydent - ale przez jego twety kreuje opinie, ktora powtarzaja dalej jego „wyznawcy”.
@oydamoydam: But those charitable contributions could be coming to an end, as SpaceX has warned the Pentagon that it may stop funding the service in Ukraine unless the US military kicks in tens of millions of dollars per month.

Documents obtained by CNN show that last month Musk’s SpaceX sent a letter to the Pentagon saying it can no longer continue to fund the Starlink service as it has. The letter
@oydamoydam: dawac za darmo?

According to the SpaceX figures shared with the Pentagon, about 85% of the 20,000 terminals in Ukraine were paid – or partially paid – for by countries like the US and Poland or other entities. Those entities also paid for about 30% of the internet connectivity, which SpaceX says costs $4,500 each month per unit for the most advanced service. (Over the weekend, Musk tweeted there are