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Ponad 99.9% prac o klimacie potwierdza antropogeniczny charakter zmian klimatu.

Spośród 88 125 powiązanych z klimatem prac naukowych z lat 2012 - 2020 ~99,9% potwierdza antropogeniczny charakter obecnych zmian klimatu. Ostatnie badanie tego typu analizujące prace z lat 1991-2012 wskazywało na 97%. Niestety naukowy konsensus ciągle jest kwestionowany i wiązany z polityką.

In the study, the researchers began by examining a random sample of 3,000 studies from the dataset of 88,125 English-language climate papers published between 2012 and 2020. They found only four out of the 3,000 papers were skeptical of human-caused climate change. "We knew that [climate skeptical papers] were vanishingly small in terms of their occurrence, but we thought there still must be more in the 88,000," Lynas said.

Co-author Simon Perry, a United Kingdom-based software engineer and volunteer at the Alliance for Science, created an algorithm that searched out keywords from papers the team knew were skeptical, such as "solar," "cosmic rays" and "natural cycles." The algorithm was applied to all 88,000-plus papers, and the program ordered them so the skeptical ones came higher in the order. They found many of these dissenting papers near the top, as expected, with diminishing returns further down the list. Overall, the search yielded 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly skeptical, all published in minor journals.

If the 97% result from the 2013 study still left some doubt on scientific consensus on the human influence on climate, the current findings go even further to allay any uncertainty, Lynas said. "This pretty much should be the last word," he said.

Cały artykuł bezpośrednio: https://phys.org/news/2021-10-humans-climate.html


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