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Hey Mochi Community! We have released a new experiment - OneMoon. OneMoon is a Harmony ONE exclusive and first reflective/passive rewards token, with auto liquidity and multitoken burns and hMOCHI. You can learn more at onemoon.mochiswap.io - This is officially live now!. Please note this is an experiment you should NOT manually add liquidity! Remember to Ape safely!

5% goes to existing holders of ONEMOON as rewards. 2.5% is used to create permanently locked liquidity between ONEMOON-ONE using MochiSwap LPs The remaining 2.5% is unwrapped, the ONEMOON is burned, and the ONE is used to buy hMOCHI which is also burned.

So each ONEMOON transaction has the following outcomes:

- 5% of the fee is distributed as ONEMOON to existing holders.
- 2.5% of the fee is used to create permanent/irreversible locked ONE-ONEMOON liquidity
- 1.25% of the fee (the unwrapped ONEMOON side) is burned
- 1.25% of the fee (the unwrapped ONE side) is used to BUY AND BURN hMOCHI


kek, ja tam troche kupilem. wystartowalao z pol godziny temu. Prawdopodobnie pierwszy taki token na harmony.

źródło: comment_1618825823fmmTuTpqXC7RixpijTJTiY.jpg
  • 359
via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
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@Cryptonerd_io: głupie pytanie, ale jak na apce metamask wygenerować adres odbioru ONE rozpoczynający się od "one1" zamiast "0x"? W komentarzu @Blizz4rd w 3 punkcie niby coś jest ale nie wiem czy taka samą drogą jest na andku (albo coś #!$%@? xD)