Wpis z mikrobloga

Ma ktoś cassandrę zainstalowaną? Możecie puścić mój gównokod czy działa czy wywala się?
Nie mam sił się z tym męczyć by to zainstalować na windowsie.

create keyspace logs;
use logs;

create table readlogs (
uuid uuid,
timestamp timestamp,
usersUuid uuid,
personsUuid set>
primary key (personUuid)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (timestamp desc);

create table change
logs (
uuid uuid,
timestamp timestamp,
userUuid uuid,
personUuid uuid,
description text,
type text,
parimary key(userUuid, timestamp)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (timestamp desc);

create table changelogsbypersonuuid (
uuid uuid,
timestamp timestamp,
userUuid uuid,
personUuid uuid,
description text,
type text,
parimary key(personUuid)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (timestamp desc);

create table changelogsby_type (
uuid uuid,
timestamp timestamp,
userUuid uuid,
personUuid uuid,
description text,
type text,
parimary key(type)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (timestamp desc);

select * from change_logs where userUuid = "16fb8431-3127-47f2-9f73-26b8a227cd76" and timestamp between "2012-01-01" and "2020-01-01";

select * from change_logs where personUuid = "b8a8e7c2-5f99-4281-b90c-03f452e4c3cf" limit 32;
select * from read_logs where personUuid = "b8a8e7c2-5f99-4281-b90c-03f452e4c3cf" limit 32;

select * from changelogs where type = "WDSCORRECTION";
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