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Zanim włożycie poważne pieniądze w BTC, warto się zapoznać:

Undercutting attacks. The focus of this paper is on analyzing deviant mining strategies in the transaction-fee regime that can harm Bitcoin’s security

Revisiting selfish mining. We re-visit the selfish mining strategy of Eyal and Sirer [9] and show that, contrary to intuition, it performs even better in the transaction fee regime than in the block-reward regime. Next, we propose a more sophisticated selfish mining strategy that accounts for the non-uniformity of rewards and out-performs both default mining and “classic” selfish mining.

If any of the deviant mining strategies we explore were to be deployed, the impact on Bitcoin’s security would be serious. At best, the block chain will have a significant fraction of stale or orphaned blocks due to constant forks, making 51% attacks much easier and increasing the transaction confirmation time. At worst, consensus will break down due to block withholding or increasingly aggressive undercutting.


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@Amebcio: Doskonale. Biore, przekaze tym lamusom debilom co poladowaly wiecej niz kieszonkowe od mamy. Mozna ewentualnie podac na ciebie namiar, czy mowic, ze „Amebcio z portalu wykop peel”?
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