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Niby nic bardzo nowego, ale mnie trochę zaskoczyło.

This would, however, be a revolution. A zero-carbon economy would require about four to five times as much electricity as our present one, all from non-carbon-emitting sources. In running such an economy, hydrogen (much of it produced by electrolysis) would play an essential role. Hydrogen consumption might jump 11-fold by 2050.


Podobnie tutaj https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/01/we-can-totally-decarbonise-the-world-economy-heres-how/

All feasible paths to a low-carbon and eventually zero carbon economy require a massive increase in the role of electricity, with electricity’s share of final energy demand growing from around 20% today to something like 60% by mid to late century, and with total global electricity generation rising dramatically from today’s 20,000 terawatt hours (TWh) per year to as much as 100,000 TWh.

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