Wpis z mikrobloga

Amerykańscy pianiści odmówili udziału w organizowanym przez Gazetę Polską nowojorskim koncercie po tym jak dowiedzieli się o publikacji o "strefach wolnych od LGBT". Koncert został odwołany.

Needless to say I had no choice but to withdraw from the concert after discovering the link. It was not a decision I took lightly, but I could not with good conscience take part in an event that had connections to an organization that expressed views that I regarded as abhorrent and which were in opposition to everything I stood for. I also felt it my duty to let the other performers involved know the nature of the organisation behind the concert. After contacting both Charles Richard-Hamelin and Angel Blue and informing them of the activities of Gazeta Polska, they both had no hesitation in withdrawing from the event as well.


#lgbt #bekazprawakow #muzyka #gazetapolska #usa
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