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The gender-equality paradox is an unexpected finding that countries which promote gender equality tend to have less gender balance in fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In Nordic countries, which have introduced quotas for board-level gender balance in businesses, the outcomes are still quite uneven, especially at the topmost level such as chief executive. One hypothesis regarding the cause of this paradox is that in more gender-equal countries, people of all genders may feel more free to express themselves as individuals and would thus be less likely to succumb to outside influences when choosing a career path. This theory suggests that there are inherent personality and aptitude differences among different genders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-equality_paradox

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Piekarz123 - The gender-equality paradox is an unexpected finding that countries whic...

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@Piekarz123: Nie o to mi chodzi, na tym wykresie rozrzut wyników jest duży. Żeby mówić w tym przypadku o jakiejś korelacji, trzeba być ostrożnym. Taki przypadek łatwo zmanipulować, bo wystarczyłoby usunąć ZEA, Algierię, Tunezję i Turcję, aby zależność przestała być malejąca.
Chodzi mi tylko o statystyczny punkt widzenia, nic więcej.